
I have a brilliant idea for a new radio programme. This follows the success of the last one I was involved with and which was axed 20 years ago. This new programme is to be called Everybody Talking At The Same Time. It's a current affairs job which will have a guest panel every day. They'll be pulled from a massive pool of twenty politicians and journalists all of whom have strong and, hopefully, opposing opinions. What we'll do, every day, is invite four from that pool of opinionated people on to the show. There'll be a competition to see is listeners can guess who'll be on. Well, we might ask them a hard geography question too because guessing who'll be on is a bit easy. And then I'll ask a question and sit back while they all live up to the name of the programme and all talk at the same time. I'm hoping to... What? Not new? Really? Damn. I've just been told that there already is a programme just like that. In fact, there are several programmes l